- Do not
drink and drive vehicle fast.
- Do not
overtake another vehicle on roads.
- Keep
maintain vehicles regularly.
- Do not
jump the red-light signals on roads.
- Keep
drive vehicles within a speed limits.
- Keep
distance between hazardous and heavy vehicles.
- Do not
use mobile phones while driving on roads.
- Do not
drive on the wrong side.
- Do not
cross the zebra crossing.
- Never
runs on the busy roads.
- Never
jump traffic signals.
- Give
way to emergency vehicles.
- Always
use defensive driving and road safety training techniques.
According to the
new Indian road accident death rates, the road accident's death rate in India
is very high as compared to other countries where every one minute there is a
road accident and people lose their lives forever and some other reasons are
also available here like not seat belt, not driving vehicles properly on the
roads and any other type of problem is also available here which causes high
road accidents. Therefore, all people must need to know about road safety
awareness so that people be safe from road accidents across the countries. Our company also provides the defensive drivers training in India across the country for road safety users.
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