According to the word bank road safety department, road crashes in India are the highest one in comparison to other nation, often seen road accidents happen without using of any road safety Equipments and peoples not follow safety techniques so, their safety is most mandatory for all users.
Many methods are available here, why road safety knowledge is an important for every people.
- Do not drink and drive.
- Wear seat belt and helmets.
- Do not cross the red-light signals.
- Keep distance between heavy vehicles.
- Do not override another vehicle.
- Keep drive vehicle in a lane.
- Stop at red light signals.
- Maintain vehicles regularly.
- Follow road safety rules and their regulations.
- Drive vehicles within a limit.
- Be caution at zigzag crossing.
- Give way to emergency vehicles.
Hubert Ebner India is one of the
best pioneers of road safety company across the world, there is no drivers training institute in India available here that provides best traffic management
courses to prevent road accidents safely but now only HE India available here. In
today's time defensive driving training is most important for every user,
without it, they can't understand how to be safe on the roads and how to avoid
it, so it is bone of our own life in daily routine. Our organization wants to
make every person accident free and organize defensive drivers training in India
by educated trainers who can do best traffic education at reasonable cost.
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